WHO IS Transit Insurance Group?
Transit Insurance Group is a Not-for-Profit, Captive Insurance Company Domiciled in Vermont owned by Public Transit
What We Offer?
Idea and Risk Management synergy.​​
Access to additional limits through independent memberships in multiple cells if desired.
Reduction of administrative cost and time.
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Resource Sharing.
Join or Form a Captive
TIG is owned by Political Subdivision Public Transits.​​
It is a Captive Insurance Company.
No procurement is necessary.
Apply For Membership in an existing cell or form your own.
Members will need to adopt an Intergovernmental Participation Agreement.​​
Members will need to create their own sponsored cell captive or participate in an already created sponsored cell under TIG.
Overview of Cells
Each protected captive "cell" formed is a completely unique company/captive, there is no sharing of risk or liabilities of any kind between cells.​​
All cells must be comprised of public transit entities.​
The sponsor provides admin services and is not-for-profit. All vendors are chosen at TIG through open procurement.​​
Captives will be domiciled in Vermont.
Governance of Cells
Each cell has a unique board with one Vermont director. All other directors are determined by the by-laws of that captive.​​
Each cell receives operational services from TIG. TIG performs complete procurements. ​
Each cell procures their own unique services under a structure the cell board determines.​​
Each cell has its own business plan, board policies, collateral and bylaws.


Barbara J. Rhoades
Ohio Transit Risk Pool, CEO

Joseph G. Dekoning
Vice President
Michigan Transit Pool

Patrick Theriault
Managing Director
Strategic Risk Solutions, Vermont Manager

Transit Insurance Group Independent Cells

Reliable source of liability and property reinsurance for public transit pools and transit agencies. To learn more about TransitRE Visit their site at https://www.transitre.com/home